The Dover Deli

This post is an anomaly for 2 reaons:
First, I love my sleep-ins, so it's not very often that I review breakfast fare. Second, the eatery is in Rose Bay, where I sincerely believe food goes to die - I forget the number of times I have looked through the windows of some dubious 'Asian' restaurants with alarm and a looming sense of late 80s-style depression.

The Dover Deli, however, was a pleasant surprise.

First up, the Turkish-style eggs is a tomato-y, satisfyingly salty fare of poached eggs, chorizo, cannellini beans, wilted kale and a dollop of Greek yogurt to balance the savoury goodness.

I am a big believer of sharing so that you can try your learned friend's food as well, so here is a pictorial representation of a half-share in the Turkish-style eggs.

The Dover Deli didn't have the most enticing selection of cakes, so we opt for a berry and poppy seed scone instead. It's warm, satisfyingly dense and served with whipped cream and some runny jam.

Score: 3.5 / 5 
The menu consists of a good selection of savoury breakfast fares, and the price is very reasonable considering what you get and the location.
Cost: savoury items around the $15 mark; sandwiches round $11. 
Address: Shop 1a, 12 Dover Road, Rose Bay


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