Hardware Societe, I am told, is
the place to go for breakfast or brunch in Melbourne. I even had someone tell me it is the best breakfast she has ever had, hands down. Much like Chin Chin, Hardware Societe is something of a local favourite and tourist destination combined in one, resulting in a waiting list which the staff writes down on cute doilies - because why use boring, plain paper when you can add whimsy?
Padre Coffee, $3.8 |
First up, coffee. Just looking at these cute cups make me happy, not to mention the content - probably one of the best coffees I have ever had, and that's no mean feat given how we are so spoilt for choice in Sydney and Melbourne because we're all part-time coffee-snobs. The coffee is beautifully made, smooth and robust.
The Continental, $17 |
The Continental breakfast tray immediately conjures up images of waking up in a canopied bed and having beautiful food brought into your airy seaside luxury hotel room - except, of course, you're actually sharing a table with 8 other people, mostly strangers. Still, who wouldn't be happy when seeing this tray being presented to them? The orange juice is freshly squeezed; the croissant is buttery and crumbly (each table has a huddle of Bon Maman jam and butter in the middle); the poached peach is firm and just-so-right. The highlight of this dish for me is the yogurt and muesli. The toasted muesli is easily the most deliciously crunchy and sweet thing I have tried, and combined with the rich, thick, sweet yogurt, it is just perfection in a jar.
Baked Eggs with Duck Confit, $19 |
Baked Eggs are where it's at. Savoury and delicious, rich and juicy, these baked eggs put most cafe breakfasts to shame. One thing that always annoys me about breakfast options in most cafes and restaurants is that they are simply assembly some (admittedly good) ingredients such as toast, poached eggs and avocado - I can do that myself, thank you very much; Not the case at Hardware Societe. The menu means business. Every item is creative and amazing. They're things you can't easily recreate at home - I mean, how many of us can say they'll just whip up some duck confit baked eggs in their Le Crueset every morning? Not many. This dish alone makes the wait very, very worthwhile.
Hot Chocolate, $5 |
I simply could not resist the hot chocolate - a little pour-yourself number that combines rich, dark chocolate and cream at the bottom of the cup with frothed hot cocao in an accompanying jar - there's more than enough for 2 cups of this chocolatey, velvety goodness, really.
Being stuffed to the brim after hot chocolate and coffee and baked eggs and croissant and muesli and poached pear, I give the cakes a miss; however those babies look like they'd be perfect with a coffee. Next time, perhaps!
Score: 5 / 5
I have truly never left breakfast feeling so happy before.
Cost: worth every penny. Just do it.
Address: 120 Hardware St, Melbourne
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