Banksii Vermouth Bar & Bistro
Barangaroo is now home to a whole new host of restaurants and bars, from the cheap and cheery to the fancy shmancy. Banksii Vermouth Bar & Bistro is planted somewhere in the middle, but it distinguishes itself through its impressive list of vermouth (as its name would suggested). Other restaurants have long wine lists. Banskii has a long vermouth list. I didn't even know that there were that many varieties of vermouth: dry, white, red, rose...but now I do know. What a time to be alive. L to R: raspberry citrus soda ($8); Banskii vermouth ($5); Mancino Rosso vermouth ($8), elderflower grapefruit soda ($8) The non-alcoholic sodas at Banksii all sound incredibly appetising and grown-up, but don't be fooled: these are the kind of sugar-laden concoctions that you must never, ever give to children or small dogs. I chose the Banksii vermouth - apart from its incredibly, unbelievably reasonable price, it must be something Banksii is proud of, to have put their own name on ...