
The entrance to Contrabando is not easy to find for first-timers: a tiny, graffiti-covered doorway leading to a shady-looking underground dig that is a bustling eatery nowadays, but you get the distinct feeling it might have been used for much less reputable purposes back the days (not sure if true, but the discreet doorway  certainly gives off a bit of a seedy vibe).

From Mondays to Thursdays, Contrabando hosts what is possibly the best lunch deal in the Sydney CBD: $20 for a four course 'street food express lunch' accompanied by a choice of beer, cider or soft drink. The menu changes from week to week, but don't worry: I have been a couple times, and it's always been pretty delicious.

Mac n' Cheese Croquettes 
Gooey and soft, these fried, golden balls are a two-bites (or one) teaser to the beginning of your lunch. It is creamy and tasty, but does not pack a punch in terms of flavour - but don't worry, the flavour will come.

Chargrilled Corn
The chargrilled corn seems to be a favourite at Contrbando so the few times I've been for lunch, despite the other menu items changing, the corn has stayed. The corn itself is sweet, and the salty cheese crumble combined with the tart lime wedge make this one delicious item. It's just as good as the 'corn pops' served at Mejico - but not as pricey.

Cheeseburger Quesadilla
Another popular item at Contrabando, these babies are very cheesy indeed - thankfully, the salsa on the top prevents it from being cloyingly heavy.

Fish tacos
These are my favourite items at Contrabando. Normally, I'm not a big fish fan, but I'll make an exception for those soft tacos. The fish is lightly battered, drizzled with a slightly smokey chipotle mayo, and served with slaw and salsa. Flavourful yet fresh, I'd highly recommend these.

Score: 4.5 / 5
Cost: $20pp (pictured above are items for two people)
Address: 21 Bent St, Sydney NSW 2000


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