
Showing posts from August, 2020

kowloon cafe

 The Hong Kong tea house is home to some of my favourite Asian bites. Usually a nostalgic mix of Eastern / Western food, the Hong Kong tea house immediately brings to mind scenes from my favourite film, In the Mood for Love. If you haven't seen this moody, darkly-romantic and bitter-sweet 2000 masterpiece directed by Wong Kar-wai (who also brought us, notably, Brokeback Mountain), take this as my strong recommendation.  Kowloon Cafe more directly translates as "Kowloon ice house". It serves street food as well as more filling items like a beef brisket noodle that looks to-die-for. In this review, however, I will be looking at its casual street food items.  Hong Kong Style milk tea (hot), $5.80 This is my favourite drink, ever. Pulled through mesh stockings for that velvety smoothness, the milky taste of a HK style milk tea is from evaporated milk. Some people like to add sugar to sweeten this warm, toasty and oh-so-satisfying hug-in-a-cup, but I prefer it just the way it ...

Battle of Bread

Bread - worshipped or demonised, full-of-virtue or decadently white, there is no denying that it is, and will most likely continue to be, a true staple of our Western diet. Winds of diet fads and artisan obsessions may come and go, bread remains something eaten by a large portion of our population. Personally, I have never been an advocate for the ketogenic diet. It might work for some people, but from what I've read, carbs are important for the fueling of our brains, so I will continue to enjoy carbs for as long as I live. Of course, one can make choices which are more nutrient-dense or prefer carbs with a low GI; but for me, carbs also nourish my soul, so I think all kinds of bread: white, brown, full grain, pillowy-soft...could be enjoyed in moderation.  Having established my love of carbs (including bread), I have been scouring some of Sydney's most famous bakeries for the below non-comprehensive review of breads. You might note that some famous bakeries are missing in my l...